New to FRC?
We would love to connect with you.
Welcome to First Reformed Church! We're so glad you're here. To celebrate, we'd love to pledge a $10 donation on your behalf to a charity of your choice. Click on the "GUEST CONNECT CARD" button below, fill out the form, and we'll send you an email asking which charity you wish us to donate to.

Where We MEet
Our church is located at 420 Central Avenue NW, just north of downtown Orange City. Parking is available in the large lot north of the building and on all nearby side streets, but if you're new, we encourage you to take advantage of the spots reserved for visitors on the east side of the sanctuary.
WHEn you arrive...
You will probably be greeted by a friendly face opening the door for you. These men and women are members and friends of our Connections team, and they'll be able to point you in the direction of the sanctuary, nursery, PromiseKids, restrooms, and (importantly) coffee.
If you're not going directly to your seat, stop by the Welcome Center just outside of the sanctuary's center doors. There you'll find bulletins, outlines for taking sermon notes, more information about our church, and a welcome gift just for attending. It's another great place to ask any questions that you have before you settle in.
On most Sunday mornings, you'll see a few people walking around wearing green lanyards and red lanyards. The green-lanyarded folks are more members of the Connections Team. Just tap one on the shoulder and they'll help you get oriented, provide you with a tour, or sit with you during the service. Their job is to make you feel at home all morning long. The members wearing red lanyards are part of our Safety and Security team. They are trained in a number of scenarios - medical emergencies, weather situations, active threats, and so on. If you ever feel like you need assistance on any of those fronts, the ladies and gentlemen who serve in those roles would be happy to help.
If you're not going directly to your seat, stop by the Welcome Center just outside of the sanctuary's center doors. There you'll find bulletins, outlines for taking sermon notes, more information about our church, and a welcome gift just for attending. It's another great place to ask any questions that you have before you settle in.
On most Sunday mornings, you'll see a few people walking around wearing green lanyards and red lanyards. The green-lanyarded folks are more members of the Connections Team. Just tap one on the shoulder and they'll help you get oriented, provide you with a tour, or sit with you during the service. Their job is to make you feel at home all morning long. The members wearing red lanyards are part of our Safety and Security team. They are trained in a number of scenarios - medical emergencies, weather situations, active threats, and so on. If you ever feel like you need assistance on any of those fronts, the ladies and gentlemen who serve in those roles would be happy to help.

Our church services typically last around 70 minutes.. We begin at about 5 minutes before the the service time with a welcome song. Then we spend around a half hour singing, praying, and hearing what's happening in the ministry life of the church.
The music we use in worship comes from a number of different sources. We sing many classic hymns together. We incorporate the music of Bethel, Hillsong, and Chris Tomlin. Adult and kids choirs sing regularly, and we celebrate with strings, brass, and organ as well as with drums, bass, and guitar. We've come to love this blend!
Towards the end of our singing time, our PromiseKids are dismissed (just follow the other kids downstairs) and one of our pastors begins the morning sermon, explaining in new and relevant ways how the Bible can provide encouragement and direction for our lives.
There is no dress code here, in case you're wondering. Some of us wear suits and ties, others wear capris, jeans, or polos. Come just as you are; we promise you'll fit right in!
Our evening service, a 5:30 vespers (4:00pm January & February), regularly meets in the Chapel. This service offers an entirely new message, and offers an intimate time of prayer requests, community support, and worship with hymnbooks. It's a wonderful way to end a Sunday.
The music we use in worship comes from a number of different sources. We sing many classic hymns together. We incorporate the music of Bethel, Hillsong, and Chris Tomlin. Adult and kids choirs sing regularly, and we celebrate with strings, brass, and organ as well as with drums, bass, and guitar. We've come to love this blend!
Towards the end of our singing time, our PromiseKids are dismissed (just follow the other kids downstairs) and one of our pastors begins the morning sermon, explaining in new and relevant ways how the Bible can provide encouragement and direction for our lives.
There is no dress code here, in case you're wondering. Some of us wear suits and ties, others wear capris, jeans, or polos. Come just as you are; we promise you'll fit right in!
Our evening service, a 5:30 vespers (4:00pm January & February), regularly meets in the Chapel. This service offers an entirely new message, and offers an intimate time of prayer requests, community support, and worship with hymnbooks. It's a wonderful way to end a Sunday.
What if i'm running late?
This is a great question. Glad you asked.
If you are planning to attend a morning worship service, but you're not going to make it by our start time, don't worry. Come anyway! But because we are so committed to security, we have begun a policy of locking our doors 5 minutes after the start of the service. Just come to the canopy door (South door) and a member of the security team will be glad to let you in!
If you are planning to attend a morning worship service, but you're not going to make it by our start time, don't worry. Come anyway! But because we are so committed to security, we have begun a policy of locking our doors 5 minutes after the start of the service. Just come to the canopy door (South door) and a member of the security team will be glad to let you in!