
Weekly Video Announcements


Return to Two Services - August 18
July 26th, 2024
College is resuming soon! And to make room for our college students, we will resume our two Sunday morning service times starting August 18. The service times will be 8:30 AM and 10:30 AM.......
Compton - October 17-24, 2024
July 26th, 2024
We are excited to be heading to Compton again. We will be working on the lab and have a chance to prepare the community for a Compton Initiative day. We will be leaving on October 17 and returning on the 24th. Go to to let Sara Van Zee know if you're interested.......
Seen Workshop
July 26th, 2024
Join us at Community Reformed Church in Sioux Falls on August 27 as we step into conversations on helping kids navigate fear and anxiety. Dr. Chinwe Williams and Will Hutcherson will give us valuable insights and strategies to support the children in our lives. We are joining our Kingdom Network Partner Churches to bring this important topic to our communities. The SEEN Workshop will be from 5:30 ...
2024- 2025 Kids' and Youth Ministries Registration
July 25th, 2024
If you have a child who is birth through 5th grade, be sure to register them for our upcoming ministry year. In Kids Ministries, we want our kids to know Jesus, know what Jesus did for them, and learn what they can do to change the world around them. Contact Sarah Kuiper with questions. Our 6-12 grade youth ministries include both weekly Wednesday night youth group and/or Sunday morning Bible stud...
Ephesians Women's Bible Study
July 19th, 2024
A new Monday Evening Women's Bible Study, Ephesians: A Study of Faith and Practice, starts on August 5 at 6:30 pm. In this study, Bible teachers examine the invaluable truths of Paul's letters. Along the way, they’ll help us understand the riches of our inheritance as daughters of our heavenly Father and what it means to walk in a manner worthy of our calling. This 7-week study meets in the Chapel...
Give a Day
July 14th, 2024
Volunteer one day to impact the flood victims in Rock Valley, Hawarden, and Spencer. We will be going to Hope Haven wheelchairs in Rock Valley to continue in the effort to clean and prep wheelchairs. We will also be heading to Spencer to join with Samaritan's purse and help to clean up the houses affected by the flooding......
Pray for our Kids & Teens
July 13th, 2024
In the next few weeks we have VBS, the High School summer trip, and the Middle School summer trip. Please pray for our students as they encounter God. Pray specifically that our students would have traveling safety, meaningful team times, sincere worship time, and to better experience scripture. Pray that Jesus moves in the hearts or our students and volunteers!......
Proverbs Bible Reading Texting Group
July 5th, 2024
Reading the Word of God together is powerful! Join us July 15 - September 6 as we read through Proverbs and Ecclesiastes. Here's how it will work... You will randomly be placed in a text group of approximately 5 people, men with men and women with women.  Every weekday (Monday - Friday) read the specified passage. Each day's reading is a chapter (or two) in Proverbs or Ecclesiastes. See the schedu...
VBS Offering
June 28th, 2024
Our hearts are so sad for those affected by the flooding. And honestly, it feels a little funny to be preparing to Start A Party when so many have lost so much. But, we can celebrate the good news of Jesus in many different ways. One of those ways is through our giving. This year, our VBS offering is going towards Autumn’s Center in Spencer. Autumn’s Center is a facility that helps kids and famili...
FUEL (Young Adults) - July 21
June 28th, 2024
Our Young Adults group, FUEL, meets on July 21 at 6:30 pm at Pastor Mark & Suzanne's house for a Pizza Cookout. Come hang out and have some great pizza RSVP to Allie Haverdink at [email protected]. ......
Tangible Ways to Help Our Flood Victims
June 25th, 2024
It is encouraging to see how people come together in a crisis. We can't thank you enough for all the big and small ways you've already stepped up to provide for the people in our community.We have some more opportunities for you to help. We are working with other churches to provide food for volunteers in Rock Valley on Friday. We have donations and volunteer opportunities lined out below to fill ...
VBS - Registration and Donations
June 8th, 2024
Vacation Bible School is right around the corner, and the VBS team is preparing to START THE PARTY! Because the good news of Jesus is DEFINITELY worth celebrating! VBS is on July 15-17 from 6:00-8:30 PM. You can register your Kindergarten-5th grader or volunteer at or scan the QR code. Donation tickets are available at the VBS table in the Fellowship Hall. Please return the items...
Volunteers Needed - Summer Wood Cutting
June 8th, 2024
Volunteers are needed to cut wood for Corn Creek. Corn Creek is a Native American reserve by Parmelee, South Dakota that we've supported for many years. Join us at Ron De Jong's farm (3536 450th Street, Orange City) on the 2nd & 4th Mondays in June, July, and August at 6:00 pm to cut wood for Corn Creek. Just a few hours can heat their homes for days in the winter.......
FUEL (Young Adults) - June 23
May 31st, 2024
Our Young Adults group, FUEL, meets on June 23 for an "Amazing Race." Meet at 4:30 in the North FRC parking lot. Supper to follow. RSVP before June 19 to [email protected].......
Senior Adults - June 20
May 31st, 2024
Senior Adults will be "Picnicking by the Pond" on the third Thursday, June 20. (Please note the date as this is a change from the usual second Thursday of the month.) We will enjoy a picnic lunch at Jack and Norma Stander's place. A hot dog lunch will be provided. For food planning, please RSVP to the church office (712-737-4909) by noon on Tuesday, June 18. Meet at FRC at 11:30 AM for pooled ride...
Mission Opportunity
May 31st, 2024
Many of you may be wondering how you can help with all the recent natural disasters around us. Samaritan's Purse mobilizes teams for disaster relief in the U.S. and around the world. Contact Sara Van Zee to be put on an email list to receive information about individual opportunities or when a group from FRC is considering going to help with relief efforts.......
Congregational Meeting - June 9
May 25th, 2024
Join us after our morning service on June 9 for our annual Congregational Meeting. In this meeting, we will discuss our yearly budget, among other things.......
Missions - COTP Interview
May 25th, 2024
We have a new Moment in Missions interview. Jasmine Joseph and Bernice Huitink-Buiter from Children of the Promise in Haiti talk with Sara Van Zee about their responsibilities at COTP and how COTP is doing with the current unrest in Haiti.......
James Sermon Series Signups
May 11th, 2024
We have Reading Plans and Bible Studies available to help you dive deeper into our study in James. The Bible is full of wisdom from God. This summer we dive into God's Wisdom by exploring two different books of the Bible, beginning with James on June 2. True faith produces fruit. A faith without action and without life change is ultimately a dead faith. James writes to believers who know suffering...
Tulip Festival Community Worship
May 10th, 2024
Next week is Orange City's Tulip Festival. And it's a Big Deal with many of our church members being involved in every aspect. As part of the Tulip Festival weekend, we will have a Community Worship Service at 11 am at Windmill Park on May 19.Community Worship details... 11 am Community Worship Service at Windmill Park. The Rain/Inclement Weather location is First Reformed Church. Bring lawn chair...