Tell Me More
We are taking a break from Tell Me More for the month of november.
Have you enjoyed these segments? If so, email us and let us know what you love about our Tell Me More episodes.
Join us each week as we ask our pastors to "Tell Me More" about the sermon preached on Sunday. These episodes will be available midweek. They are also aired on our TV channels (Premiere 77 & Long Lines 22) on Wednesday and Friday at 7pm. If you have a question about Sunday's message that you would like included in our episode, please email us.
In this week's Tell Me More, Pastor Tim Breen and Lyle Lundgren talk about how we can be prisoners to other people's expectations of us. They also discuss how sometimes we need to step away from people's expectations while stepping up to God's expectations or calling for us.
How are the temptations Jesus endured similar to our temptations?
Why do we experience hard times even though we've been obedient?
Why do we experience hard times even though we've been obedient?
Pastor Tim Breen and Sara Van Zee discuss how Jesus' temptations are relevant in our lives and how we can overcome them just as he did.
How is happiness different than joy?
Can unbelievers experience true joy?
Can unbelievers experience true joy?
Pastor Tim Breen and April Beaver discuss how being yielded to God can help you experience joy and how Jesus experienced joy during his earthly ministry.
If Jesus weeps with us, why is there so much pain in the world? Why doesn't he take it all away?
Pastor Mark and Suzanne Haverdink discuss our He Gets Grief message, sharing some of their own story with grief and how Jesus' understanding of our grief brings us comfort.
Pastor Mark and Suzanne Haverdink discuss our He Gets Grief message, sharing some of their own story with grief and how Jesus' understanding of our grief brings us comfort.
Loneliness is all around us. What can we do to stem the epidemic and help lonely people?
In this week's Tell Me More, Pastor Tim and Lyle Lundgren talk about Jesus' loneliness, how we can reach out to lonely people, and the loneliness that happens when we step away from God.
How can gratitude, fortitude, and solitude help us deal with stress?
How can we get out of the trench of people-pleasing?
How do we frame our feelings in light of the gospel?
How can the Sabbath help us deal with stress?
Pastor Tim Breen and Amanda Haverdink converse about ways we can reduce stress in our lives.
How can we get out of the trench of people-pleasing?
How do we frame our feelings in light of the gospel?
How can the Sabbath help us deal with stress?
Pastor Tim Breen and Amanda Haverdink converse about ways we can reduce stress in our lives.
Can Jesus get our uncertainty because He was uncertain himself? What should we do when we are uncertain in our faith? Pastor Tim Breen and April Beaver discuss FRC's recent message, "He Gets Uncertainty."
Jesus knows what is in the human heart. Pastor Tim Breen and Ross Enger discuss Sunday's sermon message, including how we know that Jesus gets us, what is coming up next in our "He Gets Us" sermon series, and Ross's thoughts about the Clown Doll Museum in Arkansas.
God does not waste our experiences. Pastor Mark Haverdink and Tom Hydeen explore Sunday’s message on Mordecai and Haman from the book of Esther, talking about some of the ironies in that book and how God’s word provides relevant applications to our lives.
Why did men in the Bible have multiple wives?
How do we press into hope in difficult circumstances?
How do I know if I am the difficult person in a relationship?
Pastor Tim and April discuss Sunday's message about Hannah and Peninnah, their rivalry, and the way an irritant can turn into something beautiful.
Why was Cain’s offering not accepted by the Lord?
Can rivalries be a good thing?
In this week’s sermon discussion, Pastor Tim and Lyle look deeper into the rivalry of Cain and Abel, focusing on the dangers of sin and the extravagance of God’s grace.
How can we celebrate new believers?
What does grace cost us?
Pastor Mark and Amanda discuss these and other questions in our Tell Me More sermon discussion for this week.
What does grace cost us?
Pastor Mark and Amanda discuss these and other questions in our Tell Me More sermon discussion for this week.
In this pro-life sermon discussion, Pastor Tim Breen, April Beaver, and Lori Bloemendaal talk about how we can teach better sexual ethics, the health of the mother, and the grace that encompasses us all.
How can we be light to the world when we feel like we are in a dark place?
How do we put the focus on God and not ourselves?
Pastor Mark Haverdink and April Beaver discuss Sunday's message on how we can follow Jesus' instruction in Matthew 5:13-16 and be salt and light to those around us.
How do we put the focus on God and not ourselves?
Pastor Mark Haverdink and April Beaver discuss Sunday's message on how we can follow Jesus' instruction in Matthew 5:13-16 and be salt and light to those around us.
How do we make God lord over every aspect of our lives?
How can we bring God into a hostile work environment?
Tom Hydeen and April Beaver discuss Sunday's message which challenged us to live our entire lives under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
How can we bring God into a hostile work environment?
Tom Hydeen and April Beaver discuss Sunday's message which challenged us to live our entire lives under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
How do we discern between God's yes and his no when we make decisions about what we should be involved in?
How do we guard ourselves against the tendency to always work?
Pastor Mark and Lyle discuss Sunday's message about Nehemiah and how Nehemiah's example has practical applications in our lives today.
What steps did you take to reduce your anxiety at work after your panic attack?
How do you witness for Christ in a work environment?
What is one piece of wisdom that you wish you knew when you first entered the workforce?
In this sermon discussion, Steve Roesner (President of Vogel Traffic Services and elder of First Reformed Church) gives practical examples of how ministry and the workplace do not have to be separate.
How do you witness for Christ in a work environment?
What is one piece of wisdom that you wish you knew when you first entered the workforce?
In this sermon discussion, Steve Roesner (President of Vogel Traffic Services and elder of First Reformed Church) gives practical examples of how ministry and the workplace do not have to be separate.
Can we have meaningful relationships with nonbelievers?
Pastor Mark Haverdink and April Beaver discuss Sunday's message by exploring what meaningful community is and how we can have that community with those who don't believe as we do.
How is the book of Daniel like a survival guide?
Where do we see the supernatural in our world today?
How do we live out the hope of eternal life in our day-to-day?
Pastor Tim Breen and Ross Enger discuss the message from Daniel 12, providing practical tips on how to live the message of hope out in our daily lives.
How should we approach the apocalyptical texts in the Bible?
What do the "horns" in Daniel's vision represent?
Why is it so important that Jesus is both the "Son of Man" and the "Son of God"?
In this episode of Tell Me More, Amanda Haverdink and Pastor Tim Breen dig deeper into Sunday's message on Daniel chapter 7, where Daniel gets a vision of the end times.
What do the "horns" in Daniel's vision represent?
Why is it so important that Jesus is both the "Son of Man" and the "Son of God"?
In this episode of Tell Me More, Amanda Haverdink and Pastor Tim Breen dig deeper into Sunday's message on Daniel chapter 7, where Daniel gets a vision of the end times.
What can we cling to in times of trials and persecution?
What does it look like to stand my ground in my workplace, society, or family?In this episode of Tell Me More, Lyle Lundgren and Pastor Mark Haverdink dig deeper into Sunday's message on Daniel in the lion's den found in Daniel chapter 6.
In this episode of Tell Me More, Tom Hydeen asks Pastor Tim Breen follow-up questions from Pastor Tim's message on Daniel 5. Questions include: "what's the difference between pride and self-confidence," "why is Daniel still relevant," and "what is coming up in our Clash of Kingdom series."
Check out this week's Tell Me More episode! Pastor Mark answers follow-up questions about his message on Daniel 4, the pride that led to Nebuchadnezzar's fall, and God's incredible grace.
This sermon Q&A digs deeper into the power of unconformity that Pastor Tim spoke on in Daniel chapter 3. We tackle questions including, "Where is Daniel? What about the 4th man in the furnace?" and more.
In our Sunday, May 8 message, Pastor Tim opened up Daniel 1 as he talked about how Daniel and his 3 friends handled being carted off into exile. Join us in our midweek episode of "Tell Me More" as we delve deeper into questions about how we should live out our values in today's world.
Join us each week as we ask our pastors to "Tell Me More" about the sermon preached on Sunday. In our introduction learn a little more about the space these interviews will be recorded in.