Core 40 Reading Guides
Part 1: The Character of God
Genesis 1-2, Job 38-42, Psalm 23, Isiah 40:12-28, 1 John 4:7-21
The opening unit of Core40 considers who God is and what God is like. These texts are foundational for understanding God’s nature and attributes – his love, power, and wisdom.
The opening unit of Core40 considers who God is and what God is like. These texts are foundational for understanding God’s nature and attributes – his love, power, and wisdom.
Part 2: The Ancient Story
Genesis 3-11, Genesis 12-15, Exodus 3-15, Deuteronomy 5-6:12, 1 Samuel 16:1-13
The second component of our journey looks at the first experiences of God’s people. It considers the problem of sin and fallenness, the invitation of a family into special relationship with God, and the commitments, called covenants, that God makes with men and women.
The second component of our journey looks at the first experiences of God’s people. It considers the problem of sin and fallenness, the invitation of a family into special relationship with God, and the commitments, called covenants, that God makes with men and women.
Part 3: A World in Need of Love
Romans 3:9-26, Hosea 1-3, Jeremiah 31:31-34, Isaiah 53, Galatians 4:1-7
The world as we know it is filled with problems and pain. The third phase of Core40 considers the brokenness of society and the need for rescue. The final text points to God’s plan and timing to send the Ultimate Healer, Jesus Christ.
The world as we know it is filled with problems and pain. The third phase of Core40 considers the brokenness of society and the need for rescue. The final text points to God’s plan and timing to send the Ultimate Healer, Jesus Christ.
Part 4 - The Son of God has Come
John 1:1-14, Luke 4:1-30, Matthew 5-7, Matthew 27-28:1-15, John 20:24-31
The central focus of the Bible –the event that everything before anticipates and everything after celebrates –is the coming of Jesus Christ to save the world. Four books of the Bible, the Gospels, detail what happened when God sent Jesus and explain why it matters. The fourth element of Core40 considers five texts from this part of scripture.
The central focus of the Bible –the event that everything before anticipates and everything after celebrates –is the coming of Jesus Christ to save the world. Four books of the Bible, the Gospels, detail what happened when God sent Jesus and explain why it matters. The fourth element of Core40 considers five texts from this part of scripture.
Part 5: The Community of Jesus
Matthew 16:18, Acts 2, Philippians 2:1-11, 1 Peter 2:4-10, Galatians 3:28
The Fifth phase of our journey considers the principles and promises that hold believers together after Jesus returned to the Father. These five passages describe how the first Christians lived and why the church could remain confident in the face of trial and persecution.
The Fifth phase of our journey considers the principles and promises that hold believers together after Jesus returned to the Father. These five passages describe how the first Christians lived and why the church could remain confident in the face of trial and persecution.
Part 6: What Saved People Do
Micah 6:8, Matthew 16:24-25, Psalm 145, Matthew 18:21-35, 1 Corinthians 11:17-34
Christian belief has long held that we cannot do enough good things, or act in a holy enough way to earn God’s love and forgiveness. At the same time, those who have received salvation are changed and begin to behave in new and beautiful ways. Part 6 of Core40 examines five passages that provide a glimpse of how Christian people speak, act, and fellowship as they respond to God’s work in their lives.
Christian belief has long held that we cannot do enough good things, or act in a holy enough way to earn God’s love and forgiveness. At the same time, those who have received salvation are changed and begin to behave in new and beautiful ways. Part 6 of Core40 examines five passages that provide a glimpse of how Christian people speak, act, and fellowship as they respond to God’s work in their lives.
Part 7 - The Mission of the Church
Isaiah 6, Luke 14:1-24, Matthew 28:16-20, 2 Corinthians 5:11-21, Colossians 1:15-23
The Bible story incorporates two beautiful trajectories – an inward invitation toward God and an outward momentum toward the world. These passages consider that second movement – mission and witness to the world.
The Bible story incorporates two beautiful trajectories – an inward invitation toward God and an outward momentum toward the world. These passages consider that second movement – mission and witness to the world.
Part 8: The Neverending Awaits
Hebrews 10:25-29, 1 Corinthians 15, John 14, Romans 8:18-39, Revelation 21-22
The final unit of Core40 considers the fundamental Christian hope of eternal life. These five passages provide a basis for the convictions that members of God’s family have life beyond the grave and that God will bring renewal and ultimate joy in the end.
The final unit of Core40 considers the fundamental Christian hope of eternal life. These five passages provide a basis for the convictions that members of God’s family have life beyond the grave and that God will bring renewal and ultimate joy in the end.