Broken Signposts

2023 Lent Sermon Series & CONGREGATIONAL Book STudy

Lent - an older word that points to the lengthening of the days - is a season of journeying along with Jesus toward the cross. Our 2023 message series for Lent will be framed by NT Wright's book Broken Signposts. In this book - subtitled "How Christianity Makes Sense of the World," Wright explores the Gospel of John and reveals how Christianity presents a compelling resolution for life's big questions.

N. T. Wright argues that every world view must explain seven “signposts”, indicators inherent to humanity: justice, spirituality, relationships, beauty, freedom, truth, and power. If we do not live up to these ideals, our societies and individual lives become unbalanced, creating anger and frustration - negative emotions that divide us from ourselves and from God, he contends.
Using the Gospel of John as his source, Wright shows how Christianity defines each signpost and illuminates why we so often see them as being "broken" and unattainable. Drawing on the wisdom of the Gospels, Wright explains why these signposts are fractured and damaged and how Christianity provides the vision, guidance, and hope for making them whole once again, ultimately healing ourselves and our world.  

March 5: Broken Signposts – Justice
March 12: Broken Signposts – Love
March 19: Broken Signposts – Spirituality
March 26: Broken Signposts – Beauty
April 2: Broken Signposts – Freedom (Palm Sunday)
April 6: Broken Signposts – Truth (Maundy Thursday)
April 9: Broken Signposts – Power (Easter)