VBS Offering

Our hearts are so sad for those affected by the flooding. And honestly, it feels a little funny to be preparing to Start A Party when so many have lost so much. But, we can celebrate the good news of Jesus in many different ways. One of those ways is through our giving. 

This year, our VBS offering is going towards Autumn’s Center in Spencer. Autumn’s Center is a facility that helps kids and families who are going through a hard time by offering therapy services. Autumn’s Center was affected by the flooding in Spencer, and although the building is temporarily closed, families still need their help. So, Autumn’s Center needs our help. 

We have some lofty offering goals this year and some pretty fun offering incentives, so we want to get a head start. For every 5 dollars donated, we will put up 1 picture of a LifeSaver Candy.  If we get 100 LifeSavers ($500.00 raised), I will get a pie in my face. If we get 200 LifeSavers ($1,000.00 raised), I will put as many marshmallows in my mouth as I can while saying “Chubby Bunny”. If we get 400 LifeSavers ($2,000 raised), everyone at VBS gets an Ice Cream Party.  

 … And there is a secret offering incentive if we get 500 LifeSavers ($2,500.00). I'm the only one who knows what the secret incentive is, but rest assured it’s pretty awesome!

You can go to frcoc.org/vbsgiving to donate today.

VBS is July 15-17, so if you haven’t registered your Kindergarten through 5th graders yet, there’s still time! Register at frcoc.org/vbs2024. And kids, you have time to start raising some money! Have a lemonade stand. Sell some cookies. Make cards and sell them. Do extra chores around your house. When kids can help kids, it’s one of our favorite things! Bring your offering money in early, during VBS, or both! We can’t wait to see you in just a few weeks!

-Mrs. K
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